Having come from the car wash industry, I have noticed for years the abuse in the sector with regards to paying illegal aliens cash under the table. How is this done? Well, the car wash owner keeps two-sets of books, one for taxes and one of the actual cash coming in. Indeed, the car wash business is considered a cash cow. Many folks say; "Great, a cash business, I want in!"
Nevertheless, they often do not realize that some day they will be caught by the immigration service when they do a sting and come and arrest illegal aliens on the car wash property. After interviewing everyone, they will learn that these folks have been being paid in cash and in tips and far below the minimum wage. If the car wash worker gets tips sometimes they will just hang out and work for tips, plus a little money or food.
Cheating on taxes, and accounting payroll laws will eventually get you thrown into prison, which many say is exactly where you belong if you are going to cheat the system. Many car wash owners complain that no one wants to work hard anymore and so they "have to" hire illegal aliens. Actually, this is nonsense and no excuse for breaking the law. If they would hire people legally and pay their payroll taxes and perhaps buy health insurance for their long-term employees they would be better off in the long run.
Yes, the car wash owners will have to raise their prices for car washes, but they will be competing in the market place fairly and squarely like everyone else, those are the rules and there should be no excuses. Now realize that the car wash industry is not the only industry that has been historically unethical in this regard, but it is one I know about and I've watched the cheats eventually get caught. And you know what, that's okay, because cheating isn't. Please consider this.
Payroll Accounting, Taxes, Car Wash Employees and Prison Sentences
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