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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Old and Lonely

Daily we read and hear so many heart-rending cases of murders of senior citizens, children sending their parents to old age homes, children misbehaving or ill-treating parents and throwing them out of their houses. Their progeny seem ashamed of their parents nowadays.

What is this happening? What is the fault of the parents? Is this their fault that they have become older now, or their fault is that they have wasted their entire life for their children by meeting their needs and expectations, giving their children everything they have ever wanted, from sending them to schools to helping them in being self-dependent? Or the fault of parents is that they have loved their children so much? And so good is the result, that senior citizens are getting out of it. Instead of receiving love of their children, daughter-in-law and grand-children, they are getting humiliation, negligence and disrespect. This is seriously very saddening and disappointing.


Did parents ever teach their children to forget their moral values, respect and love for them, when they become old? No, they have never taught this. Parents can never even expect this from their children. The feeling of being ignored by your loved ones kills from inside.

Recently, I came across an old lady, who lives in our neighborhood. The kind of life she is leading is inhuman. She is living just because she is not strong enough to commit suicide. She is living with the hope that one day she will get back the love she has been showering on her children till now. I was in tears, when I heard her story. She was crying and telling me what has happened with her. Her husband had left her; she was living with her only son. She gave everything she had to her son; property, house and ornaments to her daughter in law, hoping and believing that her children will take care of her in future.

But now she is in a state, which is really very disgusting and pathetic. She did not even got proper three meals a day, no good clothes to wear, and what she gets is humiliation and ignorance. After every two days, her daughter-in-law fights with her because that poor old lady never cleans the floor neatly or washes the clothes. She also sometimes get beaten up by her only son. Now her children are planning to send her to an old age home, where she'll be all alone.
This is the condition of senior citizens now days. Children have forgotten their moral values, culture and even love for their parents. They have become so busy in their lives that they do not have time to take care of their parents.

People, who do these things with their parents, are building up their future also. Children learn from parents and in future they will surely be facing same circumstances as of what they are doing to their parents. Because, whatever you do comes back to you one day.

Old and Lonely

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